Where did they go? (Short Story Time)


Once upon a time me and my family went on a trip. They said it would be fun and that we will have a new home now. I was so excited at the time, but then they said me and my brother would need to stay and we had to go.

“Why?” I asked they said this was a school for children and that they will come back later. I ask “How much later,” they did not answer. Mommy said I will make a lot of friends here and that we will have a great time.

I couldn’t grasp why they couldn’t stay, but I guess this is what boarding school is like. All the other grown up parents were saying good bye too. So this must be normal that’s what I thought, but the way there looked into me and my brothers eyes made me wonder.

My brother felt it as well and said, ” Why do you look so sad momma.” She didn’t answer daddy said ” Because we love our little babies” with a smile.

For one last time we held hands and walked in the school garden.

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Is Being An Extreme Cheapskate Resourceful Or Abusive?

If you have ever watched an episode of extreme cheapskates on TLC then you have seen just how far people will push to save a dime. When you see some of the techniques they will use, you at first think, wow that is a good way to make a dollar go far. However, it does not take long to see that some of their actions are highly questionable.

One example was a family on the show that saved money on the water bill by having one bath of fresh water then rotate instead of changing the water. My first thought was what in the world. Any natural reaction would know that reusing dirty water to save water is disguising especially knowing the children are forced to live this lifestyle. Then I began to wonder if what they were doing qualified as child abuse.  If children are in extreme unsanitary condition they can get taken away. None of these children even get to sleep in separate rooms as they later mention that they all share one room to save on heat. Their is nothing wrong with living on a budget, but at what point are these habits a form of abuse. The more you watch the show you begin to notice that there are three different type of cheapskates on the show.

One form of cheapskate is the “just on the edge of stealing” cheapskate. This is were the person does something to save money that is within the limits of legal but to anyone with common sense it is cheating someone else of their money. One example was the man who went to an ice cream parlor and took 4-6 cups of samples then did not buy anything. This is not a way of being cheap this is just another form of stealing that just is not worth the other person time to sue over. This man not only took up this man’s time to serve other but stole ice cream with no sign of remorse. These people have a business to run and if everyone did what he does these people would go out of business leaving them in debt and without jobs.  The actions of these types of cheapskates is not ok and should be shamed because this is not living on a budget this is taking want you want because you feel you have the right to it.

Another form of cheapskate is the “addict” the more common one. The actions of a addict cheapskate can be a mix of all three forms. One lady on the show proclaim that she was a 3rd generation extreme cheapskate, this has been the only way she knows how to live. She does not see a need to pay for anything that see owns. She was willing to go as far as taking medication from out of a dumpsters while pregnant. No matter how much research you do on the meds, there is no guarantee way to determine whether those pills are what you expected them to be or they may be expired since they were put in the trash. She can not stop herself from this type of lifestyle because she has never lived any different and the people that are around her do not expect her to change but rather adjust to her way of life. This woman did have a partner who did not grow up in this lifestyle but eventually became addicted as she was even to the point where he quotes her feelings about dumpster diving.

Lastly the resourceful, now this is the ones I enjoy to watch the most. The way the go about their cheap habits will actually make sense to many. There was a mother that showed how she made her own baby wipes and used old t-shirts for diapers.  This is a smart and probably safe way to take care of your child with issues popping up everyday when is comes to baby products. There are so many creative ways you could save money and enjoy life.

In a world where the amount we waste is destroying the eco-system, making your home daily house products will help teach you handy skill sets and be better for the world. Yet, one thing you would assume all of the people on this show would be doing but don’t is garden. Even though some of these people are cheap as dirty many will not grow there own food which is extreme odd knowing that they will do anything they can to cheat out a business in whatever they can get. Overall, many on this show are not about saving a dime but that they feel like they should have the right to get what they want at what price they think it deserves which is selfish and unreasonable behavior.

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What Is Your Health Worth?

One of the most resourceful and budget friendly projects you can add to your home is a garden. Food has always been a valuable item especially vegetables which tend to be more expensive because they become rotten much faster than other process food. Growing vegetables really only takes 4 items dirt, seeds, sun, and water. So what caused growing gardens to go out of style?

America started off as a farm land. Farming was such an essential job that parents would not allow their children to go to school during the summer months to make sure everything got done. The government adjusted to this and this is the current reason why children do not go during the summer months. America kept to the tradition of letting children out during the summer, yet these children no longer need to work the fields so their family can survive. The fact that children do not need to labor away their days so they can support themselves is a beautiful thing but gardening for fun is very rewarding. The art of gardening in more urban areas has started to become a new education movement as children are learning more about healthy living. One project that has educated urban areas about farming is Cleveland’s Urban Agriculture Project.

Fair Food Network

One of the biggest issues with SNAP is its lack of direction for healthy food options. One goal of the project is to use SNAP for more healthy and local fresh produce. The idea came from the success in Detroit and in slow mixing into other neighborhood programs. What many people don’t realize is that poverty can lead to obesity. Many have doubts and wonder, how could you be poor and overweight? Well the problem is not how much you are taking in, it is how you are receiving those calories. If you ate 100 calories from an avocado is it the same if you ate 100 calories in chips? Of course not there is a difference between the way you receive your calorie count for the day. Your body needs certain nurturance that it could not receive from the chips so your body wants more until it is full. This is why many who are living pay check to pay check have serious health problems because society has fallen into the idea that if you have the right amount of calories how you got them shouldn’t matter.

Most people do accept the fact that junk food is not good for your body, but when a bag of grapes is $1.25 a pound and ramen noodles is $.33 cents a pack at that moment the noodles will seem like the right choice when living on a tight budget. This is why planting is so important for our society right now. If this person knew they had some fresh vegetables at home to cook with then what extra cash they do receive with SNAP for food could be used for healthier option because they know that at least they can feed their family.

What is your health worth to you?

Health care is not and probably never will be affordable for anyone on a tight budget.  The prices hospitals can charge for the smallest of health concerns scares the life out of people. Some people lose their life savings because of a few hospital bills. This just shows how important eating healthy is for many families. However, it is hard to consider all of this when you know you only have $100 to feed your family of 5 this month. So if you want to support your family but you’re not sure what else you can do, start a garden. This is the time to be creative use old soda liters bottles and another items you have at home.

If you are ready to add healthier items into your life then start today. The food in your body can decided if your going to live a health long life or struggle month to month just to afford your medication for high blood pressure. Cleveland would be the next great spot for this program to flourish because we have a lot of land that could be used for farming while having several urban areas that are not familiar to the idea of growing their own food. Our society needs to learn how to be more independent from mega sized brand name stores so that we can spend more time doing the thing that truly matter to us instead of constantly battling to afford our lifestyles.

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5 Actions That The World Needs To See Come From The Church.

The older you get the more you began to question the things that happen in your life. As a Christian you are taught as a child that the world is a beautiful place full of God’s love and Creations and as long as you stay away from that big bad devil you will be blessed for eternity.  However, the older you get the more you see pain and acts of selfishness all around you. Now they tell you that sometimes people are hurting on the inside which makes them do wrong to the people around them and that if you show them love they will get better. But you soon realize that is not really working either and that there are many suffering in the world that had nothing to do with their own actions.  At this point they just tell you it is God’s Plan and that you should not try to understand the plan of a God.  At first this makes sense, how could I just one human in this world truly understand a plan of someone who created it.  Yet, as you grow older and watch people’s choices and how others react you began to wonder if they are doing God’s will as a Christian. The lord knew that setting more rules for every situation was not needed.  The lord gave the commandment to love one another unconditionally and that alone would help Christians follow a way of life that is good. Their is no greater message in Bible, the only job God gave us was to love one another.  Yet, I do not believe that this is what many Christian feel is their duty anymore or just don’t know how? These are 5 ways the church should do to show that we truly mean that we will love one another.

1. Adoption

The church is meant to be a place of worship and fellowship.   There is nothing more depressing than a child without a home.  Children who do not have the option to live with their parents should not live the rest of their lives in government programs. The people that take care of them are not meant to love them and they know this. Growing without feeling like someone loves you and will protect you is not how children are meant to live. The church would be a perfect place to express unconditionally love so that they can do the same when they grow older. ” He defended the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

2. Service

Something that people seem to forget is that the U.S. is not as rich as it may pretend. There are many in our nation that need food. This could be fixed by the church.  Within a mile radius of my home are about 5 different churches and I live in a small town. If every church is America gave out food there wouldn’t be a soul in our nation going without food. Whether that means t is brought to them like the meal on wheels program or the people come and pick it up. Also people need clothing, Americas throw away clothes everyday just because the brand is no longer popular or because they don’t want to wear the same dress twice.  Such wastefulness is silly, especially if there is someone outside without shoes or socks in the middle of winter. Just think about the fact that someone lost their foot to frostbite when it could had been prevented with something that is in everyone homes. One thing you can count on is that there will always be someone that is hungry and giving them food would spread more love. So if someone tell you “And if a man hunger, Let him eat at home” 1 Corinthians 11:34 Also remind them that the bible said “Whoever has two shirts should share with the person who doesn’t have any. Whoever has food should share it too.” Luke 3:11

3. Education

Unfortunately, the church has been a blocker for education in the pass and sometimes in this day and age. With education comes power.  If you give people the knowledge to live and support themselves they will be able to have their pride again and help themselves instead of depending on others. Now not everyone can be the idea type of teacher but that is actually better. People need real life skills that will support them like learning how to balance a budget, or how to properly prepare meals. Maybe there is a craft that you have master, you could teach this to the younger generations so that they have a skill when a applying for jobs. Learning about the Lord is important but that does not mean the church is limited to just teaching the lord’s word.  All that means is that you are showing them the proper way to live so that they can follow the commandments. If you teach a man that stealing is wrong knowing they have no source to food or shelter any other way you have defeated the purpose because you did not give that man the tools he needed to obey the law.” For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6.

4. Health

“Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags. Proverbs 23:20-21. This nation is known for its over need in everything. More, More, More is the American way but is it the Christian way. No, it is not taking what you need in moderation is not just a sign of humbleness but in health. Each year the population is getting bigger and not in a good way.  Over eating has guided many to their graves because of the pleasure of eating everything they wanted when they wanted. The lord gave us the task of watching the worlds animals and what we have done is disguising. The need for meat is so great that we do not farm in natural ways because it would not be productive enough. Then there are all the sugar we eat everyday. The result is the people of this nation are sick on the inside causing outrageous hospital bills that no one can afford. Our preachers need to take a stand and encourage people to eat right.  This is what harsh love means. Not when people describe other peoples choice in partners as disgraceful. Over eating is a sin in the bible so how come preacher hardly advocate for their followers to eat health. The church needs to stand strong and encourage a healthy lifestyle on all fronts.   “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

5. Love, Peace, and Happiness.

In a world full of hate their should always be a place you can go to find peace, the church. We know that their are many that are not accepted in this world for no fault of their own.  If you look at people you don’t recognizes as outsiders to your church, you are the problem.  No one has any right to claim a church because it is a place meant for healing. If you walk into a church and only see one race there is something wrong with that church.  Churches that only have one race in it does not happen on accident.  That happen because of the people in it. If you can not accept the idea of loving people outside your own race then you yourself are deeply sick and need to fix yourself. The church is suppose to stand against oppression like Dr. Martin Luther King did to show that you do truly believe that everyone deserves love.  “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17 There is no way around it, the lord gave us the mission to spread his words of love. This world could really use that so when will the church finally open its doors and spread love?


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5 Ways America Society Is Making You Mentally ill

If you have ever watched the hunger games one detail that is often overlooked are the people who were provided with everything.  Their lives were so simple that watching children kill each other was seen as entertainment.  Having all the resources you could need or wanted sounds like paradise, but when humans have no goals in life we begin to lose something important, passion.  Society takes up new activities when survival is no longer a struggle and try to find something to feel passionate about.  For example fashion or some type of extreme sports to fill their lives with excitement or purpose. We are filling our time with useless wants and desires.  These are 5 mentally illnesses that are growing because of our society.

1. Anorexia

Anorexia is when your body weigh is extremely low to the point that you could die from starving.  There are more than 200,000 cases reported a year in the U.S. if you look at the studies from the National Eating Disorder Association. Now you should consider that as time passes more people were able to afford going to the hospital which may cause a jump is statistics. Still the numbers are increasing especially the gap between men in women for this disorder.  Anorexia is most commonly found in preteens to young women. Due to social norms, women attempting to become underweight is seen as an accomplishment.  When girls are told skinny is better they continue to lose weight no matter what the cost to their bodies.  Sadly, this is one of the most encourage mental illnesses to have in America just watch America’s Top Model and they will show you how being underweight is required to be beautiful.

2. Bulimia

This is another mental illness that is more common among women.  This is one of the steps or symptoms people with anorexia have.  Mental illness can grow because of what type of society you live in.  It is  not by accident that Bulimia is more common with women. Society has told them that starving yourself to look good is a choice.  That way of thinking should never be an option and yet to this day we still encourage women to make themselves smaller to please others.  This illnesses takes the biggest damage with those peoples teeth because of all the acids they are releasing daily from their mouth.

3. Hoarders

When I first heard of the idea of what a hoarder was I did not believe it.  The idea that people would willing fill their homes with trash just seem like such a bad idea that no one would do that on purpose. However, after watching a few episodes of hoarders I started to understand that this was about much more than having too much trash or being lazy. This lifestyle is a form of expressing grief.  The people on those shows lost something special that could never be replaced so instead of looking to people for support they began to hold dearly to anything they own whether or no it had value. This is their way of controlling something in there life.  In America, we encourage people to keep buying even when they don’t need it because we are a capital run society and this type of greed is overcoming our abilities to find comfort in people instead of object.

4. Anxiety

From the day we are born we are taught to judge. Anxiety is the product of someone feeling they are out of place or don’t belong.  Anxiety is much more of an external problem because we are judging every person we lay eyes on.  Some people have to deal with this more than others due to their gender, sexual partners, race, or birth defects.  We as a society are causing so much pain, yet we pretend it is not connected.  All we can do is teach people coping skills to handle the pressure instead of stopping the people and habits that are causing anxiety.

5. Obesity

Now in the U.S. alone there are over 3 million cases being reported a year dealing with obesity.  Many tend to believe that this is a sign of wealth but that is not true.  The poorer you are the less likely your are to have fresh produce daily.  High calorie foods are cheap which causes many to buy more of it.  Now many like to look at being overweight as the main problem that can only be solved with working out but that is just more propaganda to cover up the real issue.  You can be the right weight and still have high blood pressure.  It is not about the weight, the main problem is how you maintain that weight. Eating 500 calories in fruits verses candy does make a difference on the inside and it is causing more health problem for people who thought they were fine.  The BMI scales does not prove that you are healthy.  True obesity is just another mental health problem.  Just like the hoarders people become addicted to food to fill the space of another problem.

Fighting Against Society

The moral of this story is that our society is making us empty inside.  I am not saying that these mental illnesses would all go away if we had a better society, however I do believe that the increasing numbers of cases are growing because of our society.  It is not random that worm suffer from anorexia when people constantly praise being underweight as a form of beauty.  We are making people mentally ill and if we continue this path the only people who will profit are the hospitals. Sometimes less is more.


All of my information comes from the NEDA.


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The Transition from school to Prison


Our public schools are falling into a dangerous situation that can only lead to our education system turning into a prison. The transition is slow but noticeable if you look at how the system is operated. Sadly, the increase deaths from school shootings are encouraging this process. I can show you just how this is happen and it is going to make you reconsider more security in schools.

What is a teacher’s true responsibility?

One of the most rewarding careers emotionally you can do is become a teacher. Teachers are the most influential people in many children’s lives. Eight hours a day five times a week, children are in the care of teachers. The amount of school shootings every year rises. This is a painful truth that America does not know how to respond to. These are some of the first statements that are always asked.

  1. Why didn’t someone speak up about their behavior?
  2. Do we need more gun control?
  3. Do we need more guns?
  4. Was he mentality ill?
  5. Someone should had seen the signs, where were the teachers.

People wonder if the teachers are not paying enough attention to see these signs. What they don’t seem to understand is the daily pressures involved when dealing with their students. The definition of a teacher is one that teaches or one whose occupation is to instruct. However, America has seemed to forgotten this fact. The sole purpose of a teacher is to education their students to the best of their capability in the time given to them. But now they expect this already low-budget career to pick up the stack of other occupations. So what are a teachers true responsibilities?


Should I die for you?

This topic comes up often when a school shooting has happen. Should teachers be expected to risk their lives. Many times you will see stories about the teacher who took the bullets hoping to give their students a chance or the janitor who runs to tell everybody to get out when they knew they wouldn’t survive. What it means to be a teacher is changing. This year alone there has been over 10 school related shootings.

The death of a child is hard to watch and no one would want to bear witness to such an event. Every year the amount of school shooting rises. So who do they look to in order to handle the situation, The Teacher! That is simply just an unfair burden to place on people who are already supposed to risk their lives. Many of the situation involve a former student. People actually think that a teacher someone who is expected to guide children into the future should be prepare to kill one when needed. Emotionally, this is a terrible idea and it is no good financial either. America’s educational system has always had to deal with cuts including teachers’ pay.

There is no money left over to make such a proposal happen. If one of the teachers makes a mistake and accidently harms a children the district will pay thousands of dollars for endangerment of a child. There are good teachers, but there are a lot of bad ones as well. There is no way to guarantee that teach won’t lose it and do something awful themselves.

So what was my point in all of this, teachers are not angels. We cannot expect to solve all of these problems by making it there job. That is just adding another piece of tape to an overworked machine. We should not pressure teachers to own guns when they already have given up so much. Teachers with guns is just one step closer to a prison facility.

The Parent

Depending on the area many parents spend their time working just to give child what they need. Then there are the children that come from broken homes making schools the only place they can be notice. When children come to school they are expected to sit and focus for seven hours against their will. Now when I say against their will what I am referring to is the fact that most children are up before the sunrise to get ready for school. Then others are forced to wear specific clothing to make everyone look the same. Then the student study every subject each day and repeat. The system of America’s school are set up in a way that makes it feel like there is no sense of freedom. During this time the teachers are expected to monitor the students and make them behave. The school system is a form of structure but when the home front in a battleground the students come to class with crazy attitude because that was the only thing they were shown. This is one of the roles teachers are expected to take, the parent.

Guidance Counselors

Now the role counselor has been one of the biggest things expected from teachers. Counselor help many get over past or current pain and decision. Another old problem the schools have ignore are bullies. Now in every teen movie the bully is some future looking low life that are good at homework AKA nerds. Or there is the popular guy that is full of his self that goes home to any abusive father. Somehow with an average class of 20 to more student. Teachers need to intervene in every situation that turns south. But that is just not how reality works. The bullies or the ones on the receiving end are not the other ones suffering. Most of the students are confused on who they are and struggle to be themselves. Also the need to show the student how they should behave has somehow shifted to the teacher. That alone is a full-time job. Children are full of pure emotions that are expressed in many different ways. As seen in the rises of suicides and school shooting the children need guidance that is not currently being given. This is the next role expected to come from teacher.

Job Coach

Once a student is 18 they are expected to either continue their education or find a job. Learning how to support yourselves is one of the most value lesson of life. Many students do not understand what they want to do? It is not an easy choice to make even adult struggle with understand what they should do. Now I do believe that there should be teachers just for planning out future possibilities, yet currently we are lacking in such programs. Every teacher will tell you that student often as why learning this or that would be productive. Student are concern about how useful they are in the actual world and not just in the classrooms. Teachers have limits on how they can present the material given to them yet this is something most expected teacher to be able to answer.

Will we allow Americas school to become prison?

The more you look into how the school system has change the more it becomes apparent. The teachers are being encourage to take up arms, the student are forced to wear a required outfit, once you are they you cannot leave at any time unless certain circumstances have occurred, and if you do not show up you can be prosecuted by law. Letting teachers have guns will only be the start to changing what school is supposed to be and we should not let that happen.

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10 Problems with the U.S. Educational System


According to The Center for Public Education, most high school require between 175 and 180 days of school and/or between 900 and 1,000 hours of instructional time per year. So that means in four years you would spend about 700 to 720 days totaling to an average of 3,800 hours in high school before you graduate. In more populated state the amount of hours increase to an average of a little over a thousand per year.  We spend almost 4,000 hours in high school so what exactly are we doing with all this time to prepare student for the future.



Do you think we should have homework in high school? At first, the idea of having students not doing homework sound like something a lazy scholar would say but is homework effective or necessary. Like I stated earlier students already are required at the very least 3,800 hours before graduating. To put that into prospective if you worked that much a year at minimum wage you would be at around 8,500 dollars per year.  As an adult just think about all the thing you could accomplish if 8 hours of 5 of your days were dedicated to learning, you could learn several skills for most job training.  So like I said earlier taking up more of a student’s time will not make them smarter if the time is not used properly.

2. Reading & Writing Levels


In 2015, 37% of twelfth-grade students performed at or above the Proficient achievement level in reading. There is one thing high school should teach you before you graduate, and that is how to reading and write.  Most people would agree that if you cannot read and write to a certain level you should not be able to graduate.  However that is not the case most students are nowhere near what they should be in their reading.  I have seen this myself in my own high school where people walked across the stage but I know they would struggle to finish a one page essay.  Knowing all the rules of grammar by heart is unnecessary but you should be able to communicate you thoughts in your writing as well.

3. Presenting Lies as History


There are many issues our educational system faces. One of these issues is the way we presents the information to them.  For example, one of the biggest lies we were taught in school was about Christopher Columbus.  We have proclaimed for generations that he discovered the Americas but then are given information that contradicts that theory.  There were already people living there? You cannot discover something that is already being used.  Everyone knows this yet we are still presenting a false image of how the nation was found.  The scope of history taught in school is also way too limited.  There are many events that have taken place that should be cover in classes but are not.  Teaching about the same events in history over and over does not help anyone.

4. The No Child Left Behind Act


The No Child Left behind Act was created during the Bush administration in hopes to boost our educational system. In theory, the idea behind making the legislation sounded like a good plan but it was a failure.  Instead of trying to educate the students more we actually did the exact opposite.  Students that could do work up to standards were ignored and students that did not have the level of education they needed were pushed through.  Also teachers were required to teach students how to be better test takers.  I remember having whole days dedicated to knowing how to take test better so you could play the odds of doing well even if you did not know the answer.  So instead of trying to make students more educated the government decided we just need to appear to be doing better which actually hindered the students learning experiences.  Knowing how to take a test will never be a job skill and should not be a focus in any school system.

5. Learning a Second Language


Why are we not adapting to the rest of the world? In basically every major nation the students learn to speak more than one language.  These classes often start during middle school or sooner.  Yet in America it is only required to take 2 years in high school.  Because of this, it is very unlikely that any of the students will retain any of the language they may had learn.  Only knowing how to speak one language closes us off from the rest of the world along with many great opportunities because we cannot communicate ourselves unless someone translate for us or only speak to people who know English. The system of having a second language taught in high school only is out of date.  There was a point in time when America and Britain was the lead so everyone learned to speak English in other nations but that is no longer the case.  The world is globalizing and if we can only communicate in one way we will continue to fall back because most people do not want to work with people that cannot talk to them because it is frustrating. Even our government recognized this in 2003 which led to developing the National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC) to endorse language learning and recruiting translators to serve military and national security needs.  The year 2003 was over a decade ago yet we have not made much progress since then.

6. The Types of People That are Hired


There are a lot of people that should not be teachers. Teacher are not only presenting the youth with knowledge, but their personal views as well.  This can affect how a class is run causing certain students to be judge more than others.  The personality type of a person should be a great factor in whether they should teach or not.  I know I am sick and tired of seeing cases of students being physically or sexually harass by their teachers.  This needs to stop.  Sadly though until teachers are paid the way they should be this is very unlikely to happen.  If you are not willing to pay people way they deserve then the result will be what is happening right now, you will hire people that should not be hired because you cannot afford the good ones.

7. Life Skills    


 High School does not prepare you for life, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t. We have a perfect opportunity to teach children when they grow up how to provide for themselves yet we do not use it?  There are things people need to know how to do that no one is teaching how to do for example:

1. Taxes?                                                2. How to get a Drivers’ License?

3.When you should start applying for college?

4.When you should start applying for scholarships?       5. How to vote?

 8. Job Training


Another thing schools seem to ignore is the fact that not everyone should go to college straight out of high school. There is nothing wrong with not going to college.  First of all it is expensive and many fail there first semester because they did not have the skill level they should had received in high school to be prepared for college.  Instead they need to start considering advocating job training in high school so students can prepare for a route that will not involve going for thousands of dollars in loans.  Having a skills can led to other chances in the future for college once you know what you want.  There is nothing wrong with taking your time to get a college degree instead of going right out of high school when most people cannot even decide what their major should be.

9. School Dress Code


We should not be telling children how to dress themselves in public high school. If you cannot trust a high school student to dress themselves properly then we have hit rock bottom.  Yes, some people like to expose themselves more than others but in the end they are underage and the only real problem with that is the people looking at them in a sexual way.  Also, the market for school clothes is almost a scam.  Most school outfits are not made of comfortable material which a student is expected to wear for hours 5 times a week.  These clothes are not cheap, they waste parent’s money when they could just dress themselves like normal instead of having to buy clothes just for school each year.

10. Bathroom Breaks


It is childish to have people who are over the age of 15 to ask for bathroom breaks. Most students are 18 when they graduate meaning they are old enough to smoke, join the army, drive, and take out loans.  Forcing people who are trying to become adults to ask for bathroom breaks just does not make sense.

These are 10 problems I have with the current educational system for the U.S.

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Were The Loans For College Worth It?

Were the Loans for College worth it?

Going off to college is an amazing experience that can mature and grow your personality. You meet new people and get away from your parents giving you the chance to become more independent.  At least that is what most guidance consolers will tell you but is it really worth it?  According to College Data in 2016–2017 the average expense for a public school a year is $24,610 and if you decide you want to go to a private school it basically doubles to $49,320.  This is the amount of money they accept is reasonable for an average 18-year-old just graduating high school to pay off.

So now the question is how do I pay for it?  The first thing that people will encourage is that you try for scholarship money or loans.  Anyone who has ever applied for a scholarship knows that is a gamble.  Unless you are talented at a sports or have amazing grades with a winning essay it is unlikely you will have enough money to pay without loans.  Unfortunately, in our culture we take loans way too lightly.  The amount of debt the U.S. will allow some one under the age of 21 to sign up for is almost criminal.  Let’s just compare things you cannot do before the age of 21.

  1. You cannot legally drink alcohol
  2. You cannot rent a car
  3. You cannot go into a casino
  4. You cannot go to a 21 & up club
  5. Getting your 21 Driver License
  6. Marriage

All of the activities listed above have been accepted by the courts that you are too young to decide on your own to do before you are 21. Yet, going thousands of dollars into debt is not seen as too big of a decision for an 18-year-old to make.  There is a reason the ones above are listed; it is because these are life choices that have major consequences when made thoughtlessly.  Now, I’m not saying that taking out loans for college should be illegal but at some point there should be a limit.

Why do I believe there should be a limit?

I am currently a college student in my senior year. Now I am one of the lucky few to have money to pay for school because of scholarship money from several donators and scholarships for grades, sports, and great organizations like the NAACP.  Not only that but I have parents who never doubt my ability and will support me as much as the can.  As my father would say “Just doing enough for my family is not enough.”  I take my college education very seriously because I know if I fail I will disappoint everyone who believed in me and make the young girls that are in my area believe that graduating college is just a dream.  I believed everyone would view their education like I did coming into college knowing how much work I put into being able to afford this chance.  I learn very quickly that some people do not see the value in what they are doing.

Are you going for the experience or the education?      

I can confidently say that I have encounter several students along the way that sadly never had a chance to make it. Not all the student that get into college actually have the educational level they would need in order to pass the classes.  Now you may think that I am exaggerating but it is true.  They may had been able to do enough to get in but academically they were not ready.  The school can only help you so much with tutoring and maybe you do get a good enough grades to pass but any form of scholarships the school may have gave you is gone because you could do only the bare minimal leaving you to foot the bill the next semester.    Then there are the unwilling students.  These students are the ones who are not ready maturely so the do whatever, whenever they want.  These are the students that you know have the same classes as you but you never actually see them in class.  They are not concerned about student loans or the fact that someone is paying for them, either way they are wasting their money to have fun.  College should be an enjoyable experience however that should not be the reason you go but we have gotten so use to the idea in our society that there are even site for the best party schools and etc.

This is why I believe that there should be a limit to how much a student can take out when applying for loans. Most adults with student loans will tell you that they didn’t understand what they were doing at the time and how much it would affect their future.  College can be a great tool to further your education but that is only if you are ready to receive it.  Do not fall into the trap of student loans.

“What’s the Price Tag for a College Education?” College Data  http://www.collegedata.com/cs/content/content_payarticle_tmpl.jhtml?articleId=10064


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My Slice of Life

Hello, My name is Janay and this is my blog.  I believe this will be great way to connect people with useful daily information.  I  intend to quote authors, actors,  and other inspirational people.  Also I will be looking into unique businesses, fashion, and etc.  This site is just a slice of life so I hope you enjoy.

The best way to advocate for yourself is to being ready to advertise who you are and what you are about.  People can always find a common ground like Stevie Wonder has said, ” Music is a world within itself, it is a language we all understand.”


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Is Getting Married important anymore?

5 Reasons getting married is still a thing.


The idea of marriage has change over the last few decades as to what is the purpose of it. Now days it seems to be gaslighted as just something to do if you feel like it or it’s just a piece of paper but deep down we all know that isn’t the case. Here is 5 reasons getting married is still a thing.

Sealing the deal

People will try your relationship if they do not see a ring. A Ring is legit just a mark that goes on your hand that will show everyone that you have been taken. It makes it easier for others to understand your relationship is serious. Also if you see that someone is afraid to wear a ring then you will also know if the take you seriously.

Right of Passage

When is the last time you heard someone in their 40’s say they have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Now I guarantee when you read that in your head that it made you fell uncomfortable.  There is nothing wrong with older people dating but, at the same time you can’t help but wonder how 20 years of life later and they still haven’t found love. Falling in love is apart of growing as a person and makes you have a better understanding of life all around. When you get married people view you differently,  they begin to see someone who has mentally matured and thinks of more than themselves.


Everyone need some type of health benefits.  There is no way around that, your going to need it and it is expense. Marriage helps you take that to the max and at a better price for you and your family. Why have a whole family and have to have 2 different healthcare plans it is a waste and costly.

Living Together

Marriage can help you build wealth, living together can make bill seen much smaller than they were before. Personal, I have a man that pays all the bills I do come from an old fashion style of living and he was fully aware of this as well.  Divided and conquer is still working, he handles the bills and I make a house a home.  Now I know that is not what everyone wants however it does work.


One day the person you love will die, you are making the arrangements and then it hits you. You have no power in this situation. Because you have decided marriage was not important now everything is out of your hands when they die. You have not control unless they happen to make a great will.

 Overall, do not let the news and media fool you marriage is an important part of life if you truly love some one because if you don’t it will cause pain later on.

woman holding man s hat
Photo by Monnivhoir Aymar Kouamé on Pexels.com

Cornova virus VS. Covid 19


According to Japans Health and Research after surveying 500 patient with the virus the numbers show that this is a deathly disease.  So guess what 50% of people with asthma  are going to die a slow and painfully death due to the Covid 19 filling your lungs with fluid. Overall you will die drowning in your own saliva and mucus. YOU need to start hoarding foods that will last you must because there will be a rationing of food in the next 2 months according to the Head of Agriculture. With so many worker growing unable to move the labor force will soon be cut in half. Run for the hills because you will need to get to higher ground so the virus gets confused by you body density shifting with the high air.

Just to let you know this is all made up. Nothing I said had any logical reasoning or explanation. This might as well be a fairy tale so if you weren’t able to make it this far to see that this was fake. Shame on you I am not that boring so, well I might be boring sometimes but still this POST is just full of crap because I am on a diet and I need to keep this behind out the kitchen. So that all I got for you I’m just a hungry woman that needs to keep busy. So to  finish off this article I’m going to type random tips that will help you do absolutely nothing in preventing the Covid 19

P.S. If you have and great dieting tip all are welcome with in reason.


Wash your kneecaps immediately

Burn All Of YouR SILK



The Best Ways to Save Money This Summer

Are you looking for a DIY project this summer that has actual benefits for you? Well I got a list of some fun simple ways you can get into a summer long project and benefit from it in the process.

Green Houses

Now at first this might sound like an expensive project but if you keep it small and simple it will become more manageable to take care for. The only items that must buy is the plastic everything else is probably something you already have or can find. Depending on how you chose to build and to what scale, it should not take as long as you might think and you don’t need to be a natural “bob the builder” either.

The Tunnel Is one of the easiest methods for creating a greenhouse. All you need is some bendable pipe, glue, plastic and a few hours of hard work. Take the pipes and cut them to a desirable length then glue the together with a center piece then security each side into the ground. Then make sure you get a tight fit on the plastic and you are done.

Mini Greenhouse If you are more into the wood look you can probably get it done with some left over nails, staples, and a saw to cut. The smaller you make the structure the easier it will be to make it to not go big if you are not ready for the work. There are several tutorials online and if you are feeling creative just sample from different designs until you find your fit. This will make your friends feel like you are eco-friendly and will be a great way to start a garden.

Growing Plants

Sadly the art of growing plants has been view as something you do when you become elderly because you have nothing else to do. However, growing your own plants can be fun and rewarding. If you’re someone like me who needs encouragement these are a few good ways to start so you can see your progress.

Green Onions will literal grow over night and there is no need to start from scratch. All you need to do is save the ends of the onion the next time you use some in a recipe and put them in a container of water. By the time you wake up the next day you will already see you progress as they grown ¼ of an inch each night.

Tomatoes are another plant that you can start with leftovers and see the progress pretty quick. The tomatoes will spout in no time leaving you with plenty for the next pasta meal.

Always remember to start of any plant from the seed in a small container no bigger than a plastic cup so that you can watch the progress and it makes it easier to sort things out until they are big enough to recognize which is which.


If you are not taking advantage of coupons you should start now. Now I’m not staying that you need to go to the extreme with it to save every penny but instead to look at it as an adventure. Trying out coupons might make you try some types of food or service that you never even knew about.

Restaurants are always looking to bring in new customers by bringing in deals to catch your attention. If you are someone who is not comfortable bring coupons to a place then checking out what days they have deals is a way to pay less but not look like a cheapskate. Instead it will look trendy and is probably one of the best ways to get a deal without putting in the effort so take advantage of that happy hour deal.

Massages & Relaxation services is something most people view as too expensive for their budget but if you are willing to take the time and look you might get it for less than you think. Sites like Groupon can make it cheaper and adds more people to the fun.

Local City Events

When is the last time you actual check out your area to see what type of events are hosted in your area? During the summer there are usually several event being hosted by your city that you are missing out on.

Farmers Markets are a great way to support your local farmers and find so fresh food for your home.

City Party your local neighborhood could be hosting the best music festival and you have just been missing. The best part about this is that going will probably be free like more outdoor activities.

This a list of some fun ways to entertain yourself this summer and explore new things. You shouldn’t let all that good sun go to waste.

5 Reason Why Job Searching Is Such a Pain

So you wake up one day and decided you are going to find a new job. At first the idea of all the new possibilities you could do sound fun but after a week or so you begin to wonder what is your worth? There is just so much out there that it may even have you considering moving to make more money. This is why I have made a list of five reason job searching is such a pain

  1. Resumes

A resume is the first thing every job uses to figure out who you are. While some people are amazing at presenting themselves in a few words other are not. Trying to rewrite your resume to please the company can be a pain because you need to do you research to try to find simple information like the name of the person you are sending it too or what previous experience do you have to suit the job. Overall, no one enjoys making an essay.

2. Do you qualify?

If you have recently done any job searching then you know that almost all jobs expect you to experience in that area. For certain areas this is a fair expectation but for an entry level position this just seems unreasonable. If the job is for an entry level position why would it be expected for you to already have work in a field that you are just starting in?

3. Picking the location

So you find what sounds like your new dream job with all the benefits and salary requirement that you want but there is just one problem. The location is so far from home that you will either be preparing for a long commute  or you are considering moving. Moving is a hard choice or may not be an option for some due to medical or maybe this just would be too much for the children. However, now that you know it is there you cannot help but wonder if you should apply. You begin to dig deeper into the company to see if it is possible to make this work. In the end it give you a big headache because you and not sure if you want to change your lifestyle just for this job.

4. Trying something new?

After working in the current field you have you begin to realize that you want to do something different. So you check out Indeed just to see what is in your neighborhood and you realize there are many different fields you may want to try. The next step would be to narrow down the list but because these are all new to you that becomes harder than you originally thought. Not to mention that each day new ones keep popping up and the ones you saw before have disappeared from the list. Having choices can be a great thing but it can almost make it harder to pin down what it is you are actually looking for.


We all struggle with the fight against our own fears. Have you ever saw a job and thought you were not good enough to get in but then you do and you realize that you were more then qualified for the job after getting use to your new task. Fear can hold you back from getting the job you deserve because you think you are not good enough. Do not limit yourself because you don’t think you can handle something, if you are willingly to give it your all and study what your duties are then there is no reason why you should fail.






Overall, the goal here was not to discourage looking for work but I do believe we should admit that looking for work is a full time job in itself especially when you know you have bills. So always make such you are prepared for the jump before you do it.



How Family Values Is The Best Financial Choices You Can Make.

In many countries leaving home before marriage is a great insult to your family. At first you may think this sounds silly but family values like this greatly increase financial savings. Now I know many of us assume that living at home with your family is a sign of lacking revenue but in reality it is an investment. How you might ask, well I’ll show you.

Your parents work their whole lives so that they could support you and your siblings but now that you can support yourself your first thought is it is time to move. But is that really the best option or is that what you have seen others do and believe it is time for your independence. Once you move out that means you have an electric bill, gas bill, rent, water, bill, phone, bill and the list can go on depending on your spending habits. So with that new job you just got that may be paid between 12 to 15 an hour are you really ready to take this battle on all by yourself?

Just think about it for a moment. If you have the option of staying at home that is an amazing gift you can utilizes to your advantage. What I mean by taking advantage of the situation is that you should do your part in whatever agreement you have with your family whether that is food or a bill but in the end the cost is much cheaper then going out on your own. Money is power so save it while you are young. Living at home makes it possible to save almost half of every check while still having fun. And remember it is not like you need to do this forever if you did this for just 2 or 3 year just think about how many zeros you can have in your account, in a good way.

The economy changes all the time so having full grown adults that are capable of dividing the bills so that no one needs to struggle is an opportunity we are not doing more of. However, none of this is possible with out having family values. We continue to disregard the importance of family and that will destroy us in more way then one. We are not strong on our own but together we can invest in ourselves and build a better future for the next generation.

In our current economy many run to taking out mortgages that can last a lifetime. Why does getting your dream home need to involve going so far into debt. If you truly want to buy that perfect home you should buy what you can afford so look into your options and stay at home until you can pay for it at once because the longer it takes to pay for something the more money the banks can take from you. We must bring family values back into our homes because we will not survive without it.


Why Are Church Offerings So Important ?

Have you ever wonder what happens when you give your money to the church? After being born and raised in the church for 21 years I began to wonder what is it that actually happens when I gave my money almost every Sunday. Of course their are the basic expenses for the up keeping of the church but what happens after that? From my experiences the answer to that is not a good one.


Almost every 4 months if not more my family had to go to a convention.  These conventions would be hosted in high priced hotels and would take 3 hours to get to the location. Then once we finally get their we had to do our fees for coming which ranged from 25 to 55 dollars a person. Then every night we had 2 to 3 offerings so that they may reach their goals. What happens to all the money that is collected from the combined churches in the districts. For starters all main member of the districts board fees are covered by the funds of the event. Then the fees for renting out the hotel need to be covered. But then what is next?

I have watch many fundraiser just for having the funds for going to these event but what was the purpose? We would host car washes and bake cookies just so that we could learn about Jesus in a hotel ? Would Jesus approve of us putting money towards events that had nothing to do with him in this name. Jesus was born in a barn so I find it hard to believe that any of his sermons would encourage spending your money at a hotel to hear his messages.

Your Home Church

People always assume that the churches uses its money to help others in need but is that actually the case. Churches do not have to pay taxes on any money given to them. So with that extra boost they should be able to fund all sort of programs in their communities. I believe church finances should be public for everyone to see. Many saints give their money because they believe that this is giving the lord what he deserves. Their offerings were meant with good intentions even though they do not actually get to see were their money is going. I do not believe that these documents should be a private concern if everyone is add to the pile then all of the saints should have a right to know. This would be a great way to know if the church you’re going to is actually helping the community or is their main concern building that churches name. I challenge you to go and see what it is your church does with its money.

5 Ways Our Society Still Profits Off Unethical Businesses.

As far as human rights are concern, we suck at it. Even now countless business use the most unethical of practices to the point that they are crimes against humanity.  If you don’t believe me just look at some of the bills recently brought to congress from wicked profit making practice.

1. Non-Profits Making A Profit

Did you know that Goodwill is nothing more than a man that convince people to give their clothes for free so that he could sell them for a profit. Due to the overwhelming evidences from non-profit companies bookkeeping not adding up the SUN Act was introduced. This is the Sunlight for Unaccountable Non-profits Act and its goal is in the name. Non-profit companies will need to make their transactions public information so people can see where their money is going when they are trying to find charities that do good work.

2. Prisoners for Profit

When most people think of prison they assume these are government ran to insure that people do their time. What most people don’t realize is the prison industry is actual a very profitable business. Prison are being privately owned and this causes all types of legal problems. The End For-Profit Prisons Act goal is to end the contracting of federal prison facilities.

3. Big Business Loopholes

You always hear congress talking about getting rid of the loopholes in policies that give the rich even more profits and their is almost nothing you can do about it. There is currently the Close Tax Loopholes That Outsource America Jobs Act but it probably will not make it. So big business can take the jobs away and keep the profits from it.

4. Slavery Still Going Strong

Yup, you saw that right we are still dealing with the issue of slavery in 2018. Sadly slavery affects many children because they can not fight for themselves and no one else wants to fight for them. This is not a myth slavery is still happening and we need to get rid of it now. Congress recently brought up the Raising Awareness of Modern Slavery resolution but that is not enough. We need to start doing more research as costumers buying products so we do not fuel this evil.

5. Bleeding Students Dry

It is no secret that college is a mountain of debt just waiting to happen to the current and future generations. What school are doing to some students is just not right. How is it that some one around the age of 18 that has probably never had a job is suppose to be prepared to going into thousands of dollars of debt. We need to be reasonable and stop raising the price every 3 months. This has brought about the Students Before Profit Acts to help keep these student from a lifetime of debt.

How did this happen

You may be wondering how some of these actions are taking place and you will not like the answer. Anything can become a business and once that happens money is the only concern. We need to stop making everything into a business or everything around us will only be about the money and that can never cause good.

If you would like to check out more about these bills go to http://www.govtrack.us


5 Bills You Should Support If You Believe Children Should not suffer.

1. Protecting Children From Identity Theft Act

This bill would reduce the prevalence of synthetic identity fraud for children. This means that no child will have to be concern about having a bill in their name from scammers or parents using their children due to bad credit.

2. Limiting LEAD in Children’s Food Act

There is a certain level of lead that is allow for Children’s drinks.  The bill would make the maximum level of lead for fruit juice beverages be no higher than the amount permitted in a bottled water. I just want to make it clear that lead is poison for the human body if too much is consumed.

3. Safe Chicken and Meat for Children Act

This would stop the serving of any meat or poultry products process in China for school lunches because it does not meet the minimum nutrition conditions. We shouldn’t need to fly food our the way across the world for schools.

4. Anti-Lunch Shaming Act of 2017

Can you picture a hungry child going to lunch knowing that they do not have enough to pay for a meal.  Well this bill can stop that from ever happening to a child. It is not a kids responsibility to support themselves and this act will make sure they can eat whether they have money or don’t have it.

5. Child Marriage Prevention Act

Due to research showing that child marriage are still happening in the United States the bill has been introduce to prevent anyone under the age of 18 from marriage. Yes, it is 2018 and we are still dealing with the issue of child marriages.

Overall, as you can see there is still a lot of work to do as far as human rights go. This list alone shows what type of nation we live in if allowing certain levels of poison and child marriages are still debatable topics instead of being crimes against humanity.


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