Is Getting Married important anymore?

5 Reasons getting married is still a thing.


The idea of marriage has change over the last few decades as to what is the purpose of it. Now days it seems to be gaslighted as just something to do if you feel like it or it’s just a piece of paper but deep down we all know that isn’t the case. Here is 5 reasons getting married is still a thing.

Sealing the deal

People will try your relationship if they do not see a ring. A Ring is legit just a mark that goes on your hand that will show everyone that you have been taken. It makes it easier for others to understand your relationship is serious. Also if you see that someone is afraid to wear a ring then you will also know if the take you seriously.

Right of Passage

When is the last time you heard someone in their 40’s say they have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Now I guarantee when you read that in your head that it made you fell uncomfortable.  There is nothing wrong with older people dating but, at the same time you can’t help but wonder how 20 years of life later and they still haven’t found love. Falling in love is apart of growing as a person and makes you have a better understanding of life all around. When you get married people view you differently,  they begin to see someone who has mentally matured and thinks of more than themselves.


Everyone need some type of health benefits.  There is no way around that, your going to need it and it is expense. Marriage helps you take that to the max and at a better price for you and your family. Why have a whole family and have to have 2 different healthcare plans it is a waste and costly.

Living Together

Marriage can help you build wealth, living together can make bill seen much smaller than they were before. Personal, I have a man that pays all the bills I do come from an old fashion style of living and he was fully aware of this as well.  Divided and conquer is still working, he handles the bills and I make a house a home.  Now I know that is not what everyone wants however it does work.


One day the person you love will die, you are making the arrangements and then it hits you. You have no power in this situation. Because you have decided marriage was not important now everything is out of your hands when they die. You have not control unless they happen to make a great will.

 Overall, do not let the news and media fool you marriage is an important part of life if you truly love some one because if you don’t it will cause pain later on.

woman holding man s hat
Photo by Monnivhoir Aymar Kouamé on

Why Are Church Offerings So Important ?

Have you ever wonder what happens when you give your money to the church? After being born and raised in the church for 21 years I began to wonder what is it that actually happens when I gave my money almost every Sunday. Of course their are the basic expenses for the up keeping of the church but what happens after that? From my experiences the answer to that is not a good one.


Almost every 4 months if not more my family had to go to a convention.  These conventions would be hosted in high priced hotels and would take 3 hours to get to the location. Then once we finally get their we had to do our fees for coming which ranged from 25 to 55 dollars a person. Then every night we had 2 to 3 offerings so that they may reach their goals. What happens to all the money that is collected from the combined churches in the districts. For starters all main member of the districts board fees are covered by the funds of the event. Then the fees for renting out the hotel need to be covered. But then what is next?

I have watch many fundraiser just for having the funds for going to these event but what was the purpose? We would host car washes and bake cookies just so that we could learn about Jesus in a hotel ? Would Jesus approve of us putting money towards events that had nothing to do with him in this name. Jesus was born in a barn so I find it hard to believe that any of his sermons would encourage spending your money at a hotel to hear his messages.

Your Home Church

People always assume that the churches uses its money to help others in need but is that actually the case. Churches do not have to pay taxes on any money given to them. So with that extra boost they should be able to fund all sort of programs in their communities. I believe church finances should be public for everyone to see. Many saints give their money because they believe that this is giving the lord what he deserves. Their offerings were meant with good intentions even though they do not actually get to see were their money is going. I do not believe that these documents should be a private concern if everyone is add to the pile then all of the saints should have a right to know. This would be a great way to know if the church you’re going to is actually helping the community or is their main concern building that churches name. I challenge you to go and see what it is your church does with its money.

5 Church Habits That Drive People Crazy

1. Taking Offering Round 2

No matter what church you go to I can guarantee that there will be an offering. They say you should always give your 10 percent as the bible tells us to do. Though growing up in a predominately black church I knew many in the church due to church gossip that were already struggling in their finances and just didn’t have it. Yet, the pastors would continue to encourage them to give their last dime because you must give the Lord what he deserves first if you want things to get better. However, as far as I am concern if you gave what you could give then you did your job even if they did not make their goal offering for the night, that is not your problem because the Lord is not a show that you are paying to see.

2. The Pastor Who Won’t Stop

Some pastors just seem to refuse to sit down. We need to draw the line between when they are speaking the word of God versus when they just want to talk.  Now no one can truly say whether the Lord put it on their heart but from what I have seen in the Bible the Lord will speak only a few words at a time and then he is done. So the next time your pastor takes over an hour just to get his point across make sure it is God guiding them and not them enjoying the spotlight.

3. The Elderly & Angry

Every church has those few people that have been in the church all of their lives and it must had driven them crazy because you almost never see them smile. These are the saints that have a assigned seat that can not be used by anyone else because it would be deem disrespectful. All they do is yell at the children for every moment they make and drive everyone else crazy too. Yet the church will not say a word.

4. Are You Save Yet?

Don’t get me wrong if you want to get save I am happy for your choice. However, why is it that on several occasion the pastors will ask if you truly think you will go to heaven. They also seem as if they are trying to make you doubt yourselves on whether you are actually saved. If you know that person is doing wrong then you just have to let God show them the way. No one should guilt trip you into salvation because it is so much more than that. To become save this must be a choice of your own will and God will not accept any less.

5. Social Groups in Church

Just like any other place were people gather, their are groups.  Sadly, there are many churches that have a high school atmosphere about them. Everyone has their usual they will talk too and then leave out the rest. Then they will complain later about no one wanted to help around the church and that everyone is too busy doing worldly things when they didn’t even ask for help. Churches must see that this type of separation makes people not feel included.

These are 5 ways the church drives people crazy and I do blame them.


5 Actions That The World Needs To See Come From The Church.

The older you get the more you began to question the things that happen in your life. As a Christian you are taught as a child that the world is a beautiful place full of God’s love and Creations and as long as you stay away from that big bad devil you will be blessed for eternity.  However, the older you get the more you see pain and acts of selfishness all around you. Now they tell you that sometimes people are hurting on the inside which makes them do wrong to the people around them and that if you show them love they will get better. But you soon realize that is not really working either and that there are many suffering in the world that had nothing to do with their own actions.  At this point they just tell you it is God’s Plan and that you should not try to understand the plan of a God.  At first this makes sense, how could I just one human in this world truly understand a plan of someone who created it.  Yet, as you grow older and watch people’s choices and how others react you began to wonder if they are doing God’s will as a Christian. The lord knew that setting more rules for every situation was not needed.  The lord gave the commandment to love one another unconditionally and that alone would help Christians follow a way of life that is good. Their is no greater message in Bible, the only job God gave us was to love one another.  Yet, I do not believe that this is what many Christian feel is their duty anymore or just don’t know how? These are 5 ways the church should do to show that we truly mean that we will love one another.

1. Adoption

The church is meant to be a place of worship and fellowship.   There is nothing more depressing than a child without a home.  Children who do not have the option to live with their parents should not live the rest of their lives in government programs. The people that take care of them are not meant to love them and they know this. Growing without feeling like someone loves you and will protect you is not how children are meant to live. The church would be a perfect place to express unconditionally love so that they can do the same when they grow older. ” He defended the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

2. Service

Something that people seem to forget is that the U.S. is not as rich as it may pretend. There are many in our nation that need food. This could be fixed by the church.  Within a mile radius of my home are about 5 different churches and I live in a small town. If every church is America gave out food there wouldn’t be a soul in our nation going without food. Whether that means t is brought to them like the meal on wheels program or the people come and pick it up. Also people need clothing, Americas throw away clothes everyday just because the brand is no longer popular or because they don’t want to wear the same dress twice.  Such wastefulness is silly, especially if there is someone outside without shoes or socks in the middle of winter. Just think about the fact that someone lost their foot to frostbite when it could had been prevented with something that is in everyone homes. One thing you can count on is that there will always be someone that is hungry and giving them food would spread more love. So if someone tell you “And if a man hunger, Let him eat at home” 1 Corinthians 11:34 Also remind them that the bible said “Whoever has two shirts should share with the person who doesn’t have any. Whoever has food should share it too.” Luke 3:11

3. Education

Unfortunately, the church has been a blocker for education in the pass and sometimes in this day and age. With education comes power.  If you give people the knowledge to live and support themselves they will be able to have their pride again and help themselves instead of depending on others. Now not everyone can be the idea type of teacher but that is actually better. People need real life skills that will support them like learning how to balance a budget, or how to properly prepare meals. Maybe there is a craft that you have master, you could teach this to the younger generations so that they have a skill when a applying for jobs. Learning about the Lord is important but that does not mean the church is limited to just teaching the lord’s word.  All that means is that you are showing them the proper way to live so that they can follow the commandments. If you teach a man that stealing is wrong knowing they have no source to food or shelter any other way you have defeated the purpose because you did not give that man the tools he needed to obey the law.” For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6.

4. Health

“Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags. Proverbs 23:20-21. This nation is known for its over need in everything. More, More, More is the American way but is it the Christian way. No, it is not taking what you need in moderation is not just a sign of humbleness but in health. Each year the population is getting bigger and not in a good way.  Over eating has guided many to their graves because of the pleasure of eating everything they wanted when they wanted. The lord gave us the task of watching the worlds animals and what we have done is disguising. The need for meat is so great that we do not farm in natural ways because it would not be productive enough. Then there are all the sugar we eat everyday. The result is the people of this nation are sick on the inside causing outrageous hospital bills that no one can afford. Our preachers need to take a stand and encourage people to eat right.  This is what harsh love means. Not when people describe other peoples choice in partners as disgraceful. Over eating is a sin in the bible so how come preacher hardly advocate for their followers to eat health. The church needs to stand strong and encourage a healthy lifestyle on all fronts.   “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

5. Love, Peace, and Happiness.

In a world full of hate their should always be a place you can go to find peace, the church. We know that their are many that are not accepted in this world for no fault of their own.  If you look at people you don’t recognizes as outsiders to your church, you are the problem.  No one has any right to claim a church because it is a place meant for healing. If you walk into a church and only see one race there is something wrong with that church.  Churches that only have one race in it does not happen on accident.  That happen because of the people in it. If you can not accept the idea of loving people outside your own race then you yourself are deeply sick and need to fix yourself. The church is suppose to stand against oppression like Dr. Martin Luther King did to show that you do truly believe that everyone deserves love.  “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17 There is no way around it, the lord gave us the mission to spread his words of love. This world could really use that so when will the church finally open its doors and spread love?


5 Groups That Should Be at the Frontlines for Adoption

How should you view adoption?

One thing you must understand about adoption is that it is not a pet store.  You do not have the right to express why yoyo thought a certain child would be better than others.  Now I do understand that you have the legal right to pick the child you think is the strongest, smartest, or prettiest however as a human you have the responsibility to make all the children feel like they had an equal chance. Also there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a child that looks like you that is only natural but should not make the other feel like they are worth less because you didn’t want them.

1. Pro life or Anti-Choice Groups

Now there are many reason why certain people choose to have abortions.  Sadly, one of those reasons are because they truly believe they won’t have the chance to have a family. As a person who has watched several debates on abortion the number one thing you always hear is that there are plenty of parents waiting to adopt or that they are taking away their chance to have a family. As of 2016 according to the Children’s Bureau there were 117,794 children waiting to be adopted.  Saying that some one will adopt that child when there is no way to guarantee this will happen is almost evil. Could you picture  going to any of these children and telling them there are families waiting to adopt but for some reason you just got left behind.  If people truly want to help prevent abortions then you must firth make sure the children here now get a chance to have a family.

2. Churches

Now there are a few churches that take in orphans but that is the problem, why is it only a few? There is not a single Christian pastor alive that will deny that the bible tell us to love each other equally.  If what they say is true then almost every church in America should be a home for these lost children.  Go to your local church and ask them why you do not offer such services.  Churches are suppose to show the way when their are children believing they are alone in this world. Just think about that the next time you see a mega- pastor.

3. ChristiansCCC

Yes, this does deserve a separate category. Why, because one is about an organization and this will focus on the individual. Again, you will not find a Christian that will flat out deny that they are suppose to love everyone.  Obviously humans are not perfect, we make mistakes everyday but if this person proclaims to be Christian and they are in their adult years and by this I mean 30 and up they should ne the frontlines when it comes to adoptions.  There are over millions of Christians in the U.S. About three-quarters of Americas identity as Christian which means there is more than enough to adopt every child in America.

4. Same Sex Adoption

Sadly, there are people who believe that a child is better off not having a family than to be with a couple of the same sex. I did not learn about this until recently and I still find it hard to believe that their are people out there purposely stopping a child from getting a home. If you are a same sex couple you probably know already what states are trying to prevent the paperwork of adoption even though it is legal in all 50 states. America government is not doing what is best for the children and that needs to stop.

5. Everybody else with a Good Heart

There are just some people that can not be parents. There are parents right now that shouldn’t be parents. That is the whole reason why we have his system. We must do better, children are suffering and are almost twice as likely to have a mental disorder from living in these government institutions.

No one in this world wants to be lonely especially a child.    esdDoCE9_400x400

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